Sunday, 11 November 2012

Today is 'Contact Norishige Nagase Day'

Norishige Nagase photo @

Let's all make an effort today to send an email, Facebook, G+ or Twitter message to Norishige Nagase today. He is the general manager of Ameba., the game company that created Ameba Pico.

Copy and paste the messages below* ...

(Translation: I play Ameba Pico. I have many friends in the game. I will lose connection with many of them when the game closes. I have invested my time, my money and my emotions in this game for many months. Please reconsider your decision and continue Ameba Pico.)
By Twitter to @lionbaby

@lionbaby: アメーバピコを守る嘆願書にサインしました。これを読む時間を作ってください。 #AmebaPico #petition #SavePico
(Translation: I have signed #petitions to save #AmebaPico. Please take the time to read them: #SavePico)
* Warning: Do not be rude, offensive or harassing in any of your messages to Mister Nagase or any Ameba Staff.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Today is 'Contact Susumu Fujita Day'

@susumu_fujita profile pic

Let's all make an effort today to send an email, Facebook, G+ or Twitter message to Susumu Fujita today. He is the president of CyberAgent, Inc., the creators of Ameba Pico.

Copy and paste the messages below* ...

(Translation: I play Ameba Pico. I have many friends in the game. I will lose connection with many of them when the game closes. I have invested my time, my money and my emotions in this game for many months. Please reconsider your decision and continue Ameba Pico.)
By Twitter to @susumu_fujita or @FujitaSusumuBot

@susumu_fujita, @FujitaSusumuBot: アメーバピコを守る嘆願書にサインしました。これを読む時間を作ってください。 #AmebaPico #petition #SavePico
(Translation: I have signed #petitions to save #AmebaPico. Please take the time to read them: #SavePico)
* Warning: Do not be rude, offensive or harassing in any of your messages to Mister Fujita or any Ameba Staff.

Repost: CyberAgent to Close English Version of its Ameba Pigg Virtual World

By Rick Martin, 11/05/2012
Source: TechInAsia

Image c/o Media points out a CyberAgent (TYO:4751) announcement stating that the company will be closing the English version of its Ameba Pigg virtual world, Pico World. A brief note on its blog last week explained that the service, which was initially released in English in 2010, will be closed on December 17.

There isn’t much of an explanation for the closure, merely a statement that the company ‘cannot continue to provide updates due to limited developer resources.’ Pico World is also available on Facebook, so ostensibly this announcement would apply to that service as well, although CyberAgent didn’t mention it specifically.

So does anyone care that Pico World is closing? Apparently there are a few, as some users are petitioning CyberAgent America to save Pico World.

To my knowledge, CyberAgent hasn’t commented on its related efforts in China, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Xiaorenguo on Kaixin001 and Sina Weibo be soon shuttered as well. We have inquired with CyberAgent to find out more. Update: These services have been shut down as well.

Disregarding its overseas adventures, CyberAgent’s overall Ameba efforts for mobile are currently transitioning from feature phones to smartphones. The company said in its recent financial report that it not doing additional development for Ameba on PCs, and feature phone development has practically stopped.

The company plans to strengthen Ameba for smartphones, with the social community service feeding users into its social games. So I suppose its possible that the company could try again with Ameba Pigg in English in the smartphones space once it establishes firm footing in that area. [Source: CyberAgent via VS Media]

Image c/o

Thursday, 8 November 2012

#SavePico on Twitter

Do you have Twitter? Please Follow @SavePico.
Twitter logo

Let's take our fight to the most widely used online social networking service and microblogging service! Tage your Pico-related protests with one or more of these hashtags ...

The @SavePico account was recently opened to challenge decision-makers at Ameba using their Twitter accounts:
Here are some messages you can send to them (courtesy of RO80TypeMag). Be sure to include to address your Tweet to someone with the @ symbol!:

アメーバピコを守る嘆願書にサインしました。これを読む時間を作ってください。 #AmebaPico #petition #SavePico
Translation: I have signed #petitions to save #AmebaPico. Please take the time to read them: #SavePico
アメーバピコが閉鎖されることに関する嘆願書にサインしました。ピコを継続してください。 #AmebaPico #petition #SavePico
Translation:I signed #petitions against closing #AmebaPico. Please keep Pico open.
アメーアピコを愛しています。閉鎖されることから守る嘆願書にサインしました。 #AmebaPico #petition #SavePico
Translation: I love #AmebaPico. I signed #petitions to save it from closing. #SavePico

Sunday, 4 November 2012

“Before the farewell of Ameba Pico I want to …”

Image ©
A cute little Pico player name SAKURAKO☆CHANѼ has started a “freedom wall page” on Facebook called  ”Farewell Ameba Pico“. She wants you to answer the question of “Before the farewell of Ameba Pico I want to …” and post it on her page.

(A freedom wall is a place where people are welcome to express themselves.)

SAKURAKO☆CHANѼ is keeping things positive. She encourages people to post things that:
  • They’re never done/talked about before (but always wanted to)
  • Show-off their talents, ideas, or fashion style
  • Express their opinions about Pico life
  • Share knowledge or insights with others
“Before Ameba Pico closes let us enjoy the moment,” SAKURAKO☆CHANѼ says on her page. She’s hoping that the page will also serve as a way to “look back to our past memories and [unforgettable] memories in Picos.”

This is an incredibly thoughtful and productive way to approach Pico’s closure on December 17.